On June 28th 2019, 4 new GMM graduates received their diploma and are now GMM Engineers.
This year the “Graduate of the Year” prize was awarded a GMM Graduate for engaging in, and taking responsibility for, the study environment, turning around the financial situation for the Friday Bar and for working with sustainability – Nikki Jepsen, well deserved!
On November 6th, the GMM association hosted the 3rd Network & Inspiration Night. This time the theme was “Digitalization – how to use data in decision making”. The guests were Mark Kok who is a Read more…
On February 6th the GMM association hosted a company visit to one of our sponsors, Kyocera Unimerco in Sunds, followed a social get together afterwards. We were shown around the factory two of Read more…
On October 10th the GMM student association hosted the very first event – Network & Inspiration Night. We were inspired Niels Møller Jensen, CEO Herning Vand, Steffen Skaarup Filtenborg, IT Relations, Johnny Oliveira Moeller, Read more…