Network & Inspiration Night

On November 6th, the GMM association hosted the 3rd Network & Inspiration Night.

This time the theme was “Digitalization – how to use data in decision making”.

The guests were Mark Kok who is a Change Manager from Siemens Gamesa, and Maria Jensen, a Machine Learning Engineer from NeuroSpace.

Mark talked about how the HR organization, in specifics to Change Management, is affected the fast development in data in society as a whole, and how they have to relate to that.

At NeuroSpace they work with Machine Learning to optimize the production for all types of companies.

Maria talked about data structure, collection and how they use data for the Machine Learning algorithms. We also discussed whether companies have the sufficient data or not.

GMM Graduates

On June 28th 2019, 4 new GMM graduates received their diploma and are now GMM Engineers. 

This year the “Graduate of the Year” prize was awarded a GMM Graduate for engaging in, and taking responsibility for, the study environment, turning around the financial situation for the Friday Bar and for working with sustainability – Nikki Jepsen, well deserved!

Company visit – Kyocera

On February 6th the GMM association hosted a company visit to one of our sponsors, Kyocera Unimerco in Sunds, followed a social get together afterwards. We were shown around the factory two of the Production Managers and got an introduction to the company and our possibilities with them through the Human Resource Department. The 21 participating students spent time together talking and making connections afterwards with sandwich and soda. It was an interesting and fun event! Thank you Kyocera Unimerco and AU Herning Fonden for making this possible sponsoring a student association!

Network and Inspiration Nights

On October 10th the GMM student association hosted the very first event – Network & Inspiration Night.

We were inspired Niels Møller Jensen, CEO Herning Vand, Steffen Skaarup Filtenborg, IT Relations, Johnny Oliveira Moeller, Carlsberg who were so kind to come and give presentations about leadership, management and sustainability, and to network with students and graduates who attended. It was a successful, inspiring and fun evening where many new connections were made.

Thank you Kyocera Unimerco for making this possible sponsoring a student association!